Friday, October 26, 2007

Aim for the Stars!!

Goal: *to integrate multimedia with language in effort to capture and portray the life of the solder as depicted in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Remarque.

Goal: *to influence and expand student's literary analysis (using both print and non-print text) via advertised trailers of modern day cinema - in other words to challenge students to access their world and its surrounding media (movie trailers) to create a blogspot mimicking a trench journal of the life of the soldier during WWI using similar technique as those trailers advertising modern day movies.

For example, the film American Gangster portrays war of a different kind - and the movie trailer is designed to show how the interaction of people, issues and events effect reaction. It is this interchange of emotion which the student strives to capture in his/her blogspot for the soldier of WWI. Here is the movie trailer:

Likewise, the film Vantage Point portrays another type of war -See the trailer:

*Please note that some of the historical search information has been copied and modified from a World War I Web Quest:,
and we are deeply indebteded to aid from this alliance.